"President Kennedy once said that engaging the world to meet the threats we face was the greatest adventure of our century. Well, Mr. President-elect, I am proud to join you on what will be a difficult and exciting adventure in this new century. And may God bless you and all who serve with you and our great country."
~ Hillary Clinton accepting Barack Obama's nomination as his Secretary of State, December 1, 2008
I love that Hillary spoke of her appointment, with a smile at Obama, as an "adventure." A serious job requiring a keen mind, a good sense of humor, and a desire to make a difference and pioneer a new course. How can these two (along with the rest of the team) not succeed?
President Elect Obama also named Bob Gates to remain at Defense (Gates is an out-of-the-closet Obamacon; he's been giving speeches for the last year on the need to beef up the State Department; apparently there are more military band musicians than foreign service officers, an imbalance he would like to rectify); Eric Holder for Attorney General ("It is incumbent upon those of us who lead the department to ensure not only that the nation is safe but also that our laws and traditions are respected." - can you believe that has become a foreign concept at the Bush/Cheney Department of Justice???); Janet Napolitano to be Homeland Security Chief; Susan Rice as UN Ambassador (re-elevated to a cabinet-level position); and the imposing Jim Jones as National Security Advisor.
I feel safe.
Other December 1 anniversaries of note:
Today is the 53rd anniversary of Rosa Parks' brave decision to not give up her seat on that Montgomery, Alabama bus, an event that further sparked the Civil Rights Movement and helped give rise to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today is also the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, an event commemorated in Seattle with a glowing red Space Needle (see above) in support of the RED campaign.
And last, but certainly not least, today is my birthday. Happy day!
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