I love Thanksgiving; it's all about friends, family and food, pure and simple. So, I'll be giving thanks here all week.
Monday's thanksgiving is for bipartisanship. A couple of days ago I featured David Brooks, conservative columnist for the New York Times. Today, it's Bill Kristol, a REALLY conservative columnist for the New York Times (and editor of the Weekly Standard). While not exactly a rousing endorsement, his words are at least a cautiously hopeful, "I'm willing to give the guy a chance because even the Republicans haven't a clue about how to save the economy," reality check.
THANK YOU, Bill Kristol!
From his column in today's New York Times:
"But, basically, it seems to me, we’re all flying blind. The markets are spiraling down, and our leading experts don’t have much of a clue as to what to do.
Given that, one has to welcome the expected appointment to senior positions in the Obama administration of economists like Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner, Jason Furman, Peter Orszag, and Goolsbee himself. They’re sober and competent people who know we face a real crisis — and who, importantly, may be more willing than many of their colleagues to adjust their thinking early and often. . . .
So I hope the best and the brightest who will be joining the new president will at least entertain the possibility that a lot of what they think they know is wrong. . .
I’ve worked in government. It’s hard to do much thinking there at all, let alone thinking anew. But Obama and his team will have to think anew, and those on the outside who wish to help will have to think anew too, if we’re to have a chance of rising to this daunting occasion."
Here's more about bipartisanship in the news:
by Jeff Zeleny in the NY Times
by Jonathan Martin in Politico.com
by Robert Kuttner in the Huffington Post
And one purely partisan because I am thankful for the end of the Bush Administration:
by John Hallmann in the Huffington Post
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